Wednesday, 8 March 2017

Stop oppressing us, we will never give up, we will never stop fighting!

The path has been rough and long, we have stayed up when sleeping alone at hotels, fight or flight mode on when walking alone at night, high alert and aware in public transportation and when travelling alone.
 We have the guard on to ensure that ourselves, our sisters, daughters, mum’s, friends and even total strangers rights as women are being respected. Stop oppressing us, we will never give up, we will never stop fighting! Society will only reach balance when we are seen, accepted, respected and valued as equals, nothing less, nothing more. Until that moment comes we will stand together and fight.
 Our strength can be tougher than our looks, solider than the kind personalities you see and you know by now that you can never underestimate us as we can be caring, gentle, understanding and sweet but we are also warriors, we are determined, courageous, daring and persistent as you’ve experienced through History.
 We are here to stay, stop oppressing us, we aren’t against you, we are all on the same side, we are One!